Do you remember the Bill Cosby sketch where his wife makes him get up and make breakfast, so he feeds his kids Choc. Cake, his wife has a kanipshin, sends him to bed and he says the classic line..."where I wanted to be in the first place." I've decided boys start training for this attitude (manipulation??) early. I had the Webelo scouts over today to help making roller boxes out of Jello Boxes for our next Quarterly Activity. They cut the dowels pretty well (Sam was there to instruct and supervise most of that). Then we were drawing squares with rulers so I'd know where to cut the holes on the front and back. They just didn't get the concept! It was really comical, but now that they've gone and I'm redrawing the squares, I've had a thought...Did they just pull a Bill Cosby on me??? Anyway, I learned a lot about Clone Wars and Kongregate games while they were here, and I didn't have to cut the dowels (which is good, b/c as crafty as I am, I can't use a miter box. I cut the plastic instead of the wood!) Thanks Webelo's for your help and the education!