Spencer has really enjoyed rocking out to Guitar Hero this week! He really gets into the songs. It's so cute!
Disclaimers on my camera work:
1. Sorry about the quality of the video, I took it with my camera & it was dark in the room (no video camera. if you want better quality videos, buy me a video camera!!! Ü)
2. I know it's sideways, but when I saved it up and down, it was so dark you couldn't really see anything. (once again, go with it our get me a video camera!! LOL)
3. I know it's 2 mins long, but he really starts getting into toward the end (there's even a foot change at about 1min and a half!) AND if you have good ears, he starts singing along toward the end too!
PS~If you're wondering, it's not him hamming it up for the camera either. He was doing it long before I got the camera out!