This year for Halloween, I pulled out our old costumes and gave them an update. Some of you may remember when I made these several years ago. Sam is the woodcutter and I am Red Riding Hood. This year I finished our costumes by hemming Sam's tunic and adding an axe. For myself, I made the apron and vest. I also had to cut my cape down 2 sizes so it wasn't so big. The bottom left is the scene I painted and put in the back of the Mazda to decorate for the Trunk or Treat. If you can't tell, it's the Wolf jumping to eat you! Sam asked where his body was, I told him to shut up. LOL I initially thought of cutting out the mouth so that you had to reach in to get the candy, but thought better of it. The children are friends of ours. The adorable, Mia, was also dressed as Red. Her mom has pictures of the two of us together. Her older sister Olivia was a fifties girl. Isn't she just gorgeous?? Mandy and I were talking about how she was going to have her hands full once Livvy is old enough to date. On the other side are my sweet friends Megan and Anna. Megan is an elephant, but poor thing hated wearing the turtleneck. I totally sympathized. I hate wearing turtlenecks too. Anna was great! She's a monkey, and I wish I had taken a picture of her feet, b/c her mom had made the cutest monkey shoe covers to go with it! I talk about these kids alot! So now, you have a face to go with the names and stories. Ü The top is of Marissa and I. She was dressed as a gypsy. I love the bright colors. You'll have to go to her blog to see the awesome costume she made for her husband. He was a very classy pirate! Sorry Jim, I didn't get your picture. All in all we had a fun time. We only had 12 trick or treaters on Halloween night, but that's ok. Now to pull out the Thanksgiving decorations! I love this time of year.