2 inches!!! Now you may be saying..."You're soil was too compact." Oh contraire, my soil is potting mix and compost. It's so lofty, it looks down on the other buckets. I haven't tasted it yet, so I don't know about flavor. Sam and I will nibble it when he gets home. So here is today's harvest from my shady patio. A baby carrot and some more peas. I have to say I've been impressed by my pea plants. I was about to pull them up last June because they peas were bitter and I figured that it had finally gotten too warm. They definitely want to live though. I went out the next day to commit pea carnage when low and behold it was covered with new growth. These are the first harvest from that growth and these peas are sweet again! Yum!
So now I'm getting ready to start my indoor seeds for fall plantings. Any suggestions? I'll do lettuce again, just not so many this time. Probably more peas. I thought about broccoli. We'll see how motivated I get. BTW, my lone pumpkin is oranging up quite nicely. Now it just needs some pumpkin siblings. We're are being re-roofed this weekend. I sincerely hope that everything survives.