Friday, November 20, 2009
The Twilight Chicks
Twilight Saga: New Moon Party

Wednesday, November 4, 2009
What big eyes you have!

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Upcoming Projects

Happy Fall!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Yum, Cheesecake!
Update on the Pizza
It was delicious! The one I pictured wasn't quite cooked long enough, but the other two were better. None of them were particularly crispy on the bottom. I think next time I'll cook them on the bottom rack so the bottom will cook faster than the top. Homemade pizza is definitely being added to our fav list! BTW, does anyone have a good recipe for a pizza sauce? The ones I find are always too thin and too bland. I don't want my pizza to taste like a can of tomato sauce.
Our Garden 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
Homemade Pizza
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Hippity Hoppity Hop

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Monogram Picture
Monday, July 13, 2009
Where we are on Baby Quest 2009
As most of you know, Sam and I have been working with a Reproductive Endocrinologist for the past 9 months, trying to get pregnant. While, I'm enjoying being on the drugs that stabilize my PCOS symptoms, the other drugs have been hard. Mostly because they mess with my head, and I can't think straight. The last 2 times we've had an IUI (insemination), Sam has called everyday to ask me if I'd remembered to take my drugs. The ones I've taken everyday for that last 9 months. :) So, anyway, after 3 unsuccessful tries of insemination, our doctor suggested that we stop wasting our money going that route.
The next thing to try is invitro (IVF). Since our insurance doesn't cover this, and we've pretty much wiped out our savings with these last procedures, we're in a holding pattern for the moment. IVF will cost us approximately $10,000. We're trying to save all the money we can right now, and will be cutting back on a lot of things. The good thing is that we have to keep our high speed internet connection for Sam's work, so I'll still be online to keep you up to date on our blog or emails! So anyway, that's where we stand right now. We'll keep faithful that someday we will have children, and do our part to pay the doctors to make it so. Thanks for all your support through this. I'll update again when we have more news.
The next thing to try is invitro (IVF). Since our insurance doesn't cover this, and we've pretty much wiped out our savings with these last procedures, we're in a holding pattern for the moment. IVF will cost us approximately $10,000. We're trying to save all the money we can right now, and will be cutting back on a lot of things. The good thing is that we have to keep our high speed internet connection for Sam's work, so I'll still be online to keep you up to date on our blog or emails! So anyway, that's where we stand right now. We'll keep faithful that someday we will have children, and do our part to pay the doctors to make it so. Thanks for all your support through this. I'll update again when we have more news.
Update on Ribbon Coasters
So I finally got around to polyurethaning the ribbon coaster today. Total bust! The ribbon curled in on itself. YUCK! So I tossed it. Good thing I didn't enjoy making those. LOL Stay tuned for this week's attempt at cute felt monogramming.
More Potato Stamping
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Ribbon Coasters
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
My adventures in cooking part 1
Ok, our Stake Presidency issued a 90 day challenge to become more self sufficient. To do so, they sent a letter laying out some goals for families to work towards. Some of those goals were to bake bread and make meals completely from scratch at least once a week.
The meals from scratch wasn't really that much of a problem for us b/c Sam and I have been slowly moving away from using mixes recently. The bread was more of a challenge as I have never made bread by myself except for sweet quick breads. (I make a mean chocolate chip pumpkin bread...YUM!) So a couple of weeks ago our RS set up a breadmaking class at church, and I successfully baked 2 loaves of white/wheat bread (under supervision). So, last Wednesday for craft group, we decided to try making bread on our own. I found a new recipe that you're supposed to be able to completely make in your Kitchenaid. It was a Honey Oat Wheat bread. Let the games begin...first, I think this recipe was for a bigger Kitchenaid than mine. So kneading it was a trick, but I succeeded. Feeling pretty good about my new breadmaking prowess, I was just about the put it to rest and rise, when I noticed that I had forgotten to add the eggs!! So, back in the bowl it goes, I crack in 2 eggs and start the mixer again. It starts splattering eggs all over the place!!! I quickly add more flour, and finally get an acceptable lump of dough again. I put it in a bowl on the stove to rise a little worried about what the 2nd knead has done to it, but it rises, albeit slowly. I punch it down, shape it up and put it in the bread pan and set it for the 2nd rise. At this point everyone has left to finish at home, and the oven is no longer being used. I went ahead and turned in on to 375 in preparation for baking and so the stovetop will be warm to aid in rising. They rise beautifully and I am once again excited. I put them in the oven to bake know that the oven should really be nice and hot and set the timer for 40 mins. The fact that I've forgotten something is in the back of my mind, but I ignore it.
Ding...40 mins. Woo hoo fresh bread, by myself!! I open the oven and they're not brown. WHAT??? I touch it and it's still doughy. I look at the stove and realize that somehow I turned the oven off!! So I turn it back on (I really should have removed the bread, but I didn't). Set the timer for another 40 mins and wait. Ding...this time the house smells like bread, good sign. I open the oven and the top crust is a little darker than I would like, but since I'm cooking in glass pans, I can see the sides are brown, so it should be done.
I pulled to bread out of the oven and slide the loaves out of the pans and onto a cooling rack. Worried about if they're done, I immediately slice into one loaf to see what all my goofs have done to it. It looks and tastes fine. A little chewy, but good. Then I look at what I just did to the loaf. In slicing while it was still hot, I've squished the loaf! Oh well. Guess if I make all the mistakes the 1st time, maybe when I make bread for this week, it will go better! LOL Here's a picture of my squished loaf.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Pretty Clipboards

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Superheroes to the rescue!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Bandana Pants
Today in craft group we made bandana pants (shorts). It was a super simple pattern I found at You just need 2 bandanas and some elastic for the waist. So cute and so much fun to make!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
More baby crafts
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
New Skirts for tax day
Monday, April 6, 2009
Homemade Bread and Butter
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The Finished Quilt
Monday, March 30, 2009
Happy Happy Birthday, Sammy, dear!

Baby Quilt
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The Last Onesie
I had one last onesie left over, so I decided to do a second embroidery. I found this butterfly in a Precious Moments coloring book. I just scanned it into my computer and resized it to the appropriate size. I think it turned out really cute. It's kind of sad to not have anymore onesie's to decorate. Guess I'll need to come up with something else to work on. Today for craft group, I'm helping a girlfriend with her current beading project, so no pictures of finished projects. Still trying to figure out what to do next week. I just picked up to adorable fabric, and I'm thinking about decorating some burp cloths. I'll have to wonder around the internet and see what strikes me!
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